The complexity of brain data processing and analysis can be tedious, costly, and time-consuming for companies that focus on interpreting data from brain recordings. However, Dr. Nardin Samuel and Irene Harmsen, found a way to combat these challenges through the creation of Cove Neurosciences, a venture established in 2022.

The inspiration behind Cove Neurosciences came from the desire to create an easy-to-implement solution, based on data engineering expertise, to the problem of processing and analyzing brain data so that results can be more readily interpreted and used. Samuel says, “We identified a gap between computer engineering and fundamental neuroscience and aimed to fill this gap by building a software platform to decode brain function.”

Dr. Nardin Samuel, CEO and founder of Cove Neurosciences
Dr. Nardin Samuel, CEO and founder of Cove Neurosciences

Cove Neurosciences has since propelled to success, by identifying a specific market with a clear need and space for innovation. “[Identifying a market] has immensely helped our venture as it bolsters the validity of our approach and helps us iterate the product-market fit,” Samuel remarks.

However, success did not come without setbacks, as Samuel reflects on the lessons the team has learned along the way.

One of our biggest learnings to date, as a team, has been the importance of tailoring our approach to discussing our company to various audiences. We quickly [realized] that investors have unique interests that are distinct from clients or prospective partners and similarly, the importance of demonstrating a clear value proposition.

Dr. Nardin Samuel, CEO & Co-Founder, Cove Neurosciences

Yet, Cove Neurosciences continues to learn and evolve, with ground-breaking innovations that focus on creating a software that combines advanced neuroscience tools and machine learning technology.

When thinking back to their roots as a young venture, Samuel recalls H2i as the first incubator that the team joined when Cove Neurosciences was just beginning as a concept. “We received immense support from H2i and are very grateful for the feedback and insight in the earliest stages of the company. As we grow, we are exceptionally proud to be part of the H2i community.”

Boasting impressive experiential and academic expertise in medicine, neuroscience, neurosurgery, data engineering, and quantum computing, the Cove Neurosciences team is comprised of members with skills that complement each other and helped has increased the venture’s growth in advisors and investors.  This fall, co-founder Nardin Samuel was announced to be included in the 2022 WXN Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100.

Looking forward, the Cove Neurosciences team has their sights set on scaling up to build on their traction and partner with more medical device and pharmaceutical companies, in preparation for the deployment of their newest SaaS product.

H2i would like to congratulate Cove Neurosciences for their achievements and applaud them for an impressive and revolutionary journey to date! If you are interested in learning more about Cove Neurosciences, you can find them on Twitter (@CoveNeuro) or LinkedIn.

Curious to hear more about the experience of creating Cove Neurosciences? Register now for the 2023 FemSTEM Kickoff Event which will include a panel featuring Dr. Nardin Samuel!